Files toolbox

Files toolbox screenshot

This toolbox shows how the scene objects are structured in sub-files, and allow changing this structure.

The view

The main scene file that is currently opened is shown by the top Import icon. This scene file may contain some objects (materials, instruments, geometries…) and also import other files, shown as child Import icons.

When objects have been modified, but the scene was not saved, these modified objects are shown in Edit live edits at the bottom. They will move back to the main scene file as soon as you save your changes.

Object folders are not displayed as in the object toolbox. Instead, folder names are prefixed to the object name using the slash ‘/’ separator.

Object priorities

When an object with the same type and name is included in multiple files, only the active one is displayed in the object toolbox. In this view, each object version can be found under its own included file. The active one is the lowest one in the list, all other are shown with a greyed icon and are inactive or “shadowed”.

You can reorder all the items (imports and objects) that are immediately under the main scene file, by dragging and dropping them. This way, you change object priorities and which objects are active. After this action, you need to save the scene before starting a simulation.

Imported files

Importing a file

You can import a file in this toolbox, by right clicking on the main scene file, and selecting Import Import. This will bring the Import dialog

Changing import settings for a file

You can change import settings for an imported file by right clicking on it and selecting Import Import settings. You may also double click on the imported file.

This allows:

  • Changing the object type filters
    • Changing the object name prefixing
    • Breaking the reference : this copies all imported objects to the scene and removes the import

See Import dialog for more information.

Removing an import

You can change import settings for an imported file by right clicking on it and selecting Delete Remove reference.

Reloading an import

If an imported file has been modified in another program (such as another instance of Ocean, or a 3D CAD software with an exporter plugin), you can reload it by right clicking on it and selecting Update Reload.

If the reload fails, the icon will change to Warning


Copying an object

You can copy an object to the clipboard by right clicking on it and selecting Copy Copy. This is especially useful as you may do it on a shadowed object, which is not accessible in the object toolbox.

Reverting to a shadowed object

You can copy a shadowed object to the Edit live edits, it then becomes the active object. Just right click on a shadowed object and select Undo Revert to this version.

Cancelling object changes

If an object has been modified since the last scene save, it is shown in the live edits. You can cancel these changes by right-clicking on the object and selecting Undo Revert edits